Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 1: 30 Kyu to 25 Kyu by Kano Yoshinori Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 2: 25 kyu to 20 kyu by Kano Yoshinori Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 3: Intermediate Problems by Kano Yoshinori Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 4: Advanced Problems by Kano Yoshinori In the Beginning (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 1) by Ishigure Ikuro 38 Basic Joseki (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 2) (Beginner and Elementary Go Books) by Kosugi Kiyoshi Tesuji (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 3) by James Davies Life and Death (Elementary Go Series, Vol. 4) by James Davis Attack and Defense (Elementary Go, Vol 5) by Ishida A. The Endgame (Elementary Go Series, Vol 6) by Tomoko Ogawa Handicap Go (Elementary Go, Vol 7) by Napanara Yoshiaki Basic Techniques of Go by Isamu Haruyama Strategic Concepts of Go by Nagahara Yoshiaki Positional Judgement: High-Speed Game Analysis by Cho Chikun The 3-3 point by Cho Chikun Magic of Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game of Go by Cho Chikun The Second Book of Go (Beginner and Elementary Go Books) by Richard Bozulich Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go (Beginner and Elementary Go Books) by Kageyama Toshiro Power of the Star-Point: The Sanren-Sei Opening by Shukaku Takagawa and Honorary Honinbo The Chinese Opening: The Sure-Win Strategy by Masao Kato All About Thickness by Ishida Yoshio The Breakthrough to Shodan by Naoki Miyamoto and James Davies The Middle Game of Go: Chubansen (Ishi Press go series) by Eio Sakata Go proverbs illustrated (Go library in English) by Kensaku Segoe Enclosure Josekis by Masaki Takemiya Reducing Territorial Frameworks: Attacking and Defending Moyos by Shuko Fujisawa and John Power Appreciating Famous Games by Shuzo Ohira, Nine-Dan S. Ohira, and Shuzo O. Nine-Dan Kato's Attack and Kill by Kato Masao and John Fairbairn Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap go by Toshiro Kageyama Test Your Go Strength: Fifty Whole Board Problems by Naoki Miyamoto The Direction of Play by Takeo Kajiwara Fighting Ko by Chiang Chin, Robert J. Terry, and Sidney W. Yuan The Treasure Chest Enigma: A Go Miscellany by Noriyuki Nakayama An Introduction to Go by James Davies and Richard Bozulich Go for Beginners by Kaoru Iwamoto Go: A Guide To The Game by D. Brine Pritchard The Game of Go: The National Game of Japan by Arthur Smith The Theory and Practice of Go by O. Korschelt, Samuel P. King, and George G. Leckie Go Proverbs by David Mitchell Come Up To Shodan by Rin Kaiho Improve your intuition 1: In the Opening Improve your intuition 2: In the Middle Game, Part 1 Improve your intuition 3: In the Middle Game, Part 2 Problems for Kyu Players: Vol 1 - Life and Death The 1971 Honinbo Tournament by James Davis Invincible, The Games of Shusaku (Game Collections) by John Power The Go Player's Almanac by Richard Bozulich